Wood Burning Art For Sale
Wood burning, which is also called pyrography, is the process of using an electric wood burning tool to create designs onto wood. Since 2016, I've been making wood burnt art and haven't stopped since! Whether it's a coaster or a wall sign, each piece is magically unique and I love creating with this medium.
What makes wood burned art unique? Wood burning art is unique because each piece of wood is one of a kind. It's almost impossible to perfectly recreate a wood burnt art piece, so every finished sign or coaster is truly one of a kind.
If you've browsed my work, you probably noticed all of the wood burned flowers, and sunflower wood burnings. Currently I love to do floral work or other nature inspired pieces, but I can create just about anything! I often add new pieces for sale, so make sure to check back often to see what new signs or rustic coasters I have listed!
As a professional wood burning artist, I often get asked what wood burning tools I use. If you are interested in learning exactly what tools I use, check out my blog post on The Best Wood Burning Tools. If you are a beginner wood burner, check out my post on The Best Wood Burning Tools For Beginners.